Optimum Nutrition is the most popular supplement brand. It has been in vogue for 30 years, selling incredible macro and micro supplements. One of its most compliments-worthy products is the optimum nutrition whey protein. It is ranked as number one on the best online supplement store USA . The supplement offers 24 grams of protein, three grams of carbohydrates, one gram of sugar, and one gram of fat. ON GOLD-STANDARD WHEY INGREDIENTS The ON whey protein contains: A unique blend protein of whey protein isolates, concentrates, and peptides Lecithin Natural and artificial flavors Acesulfame potassium Aminogen Lactase Let us start with the protein blend. It includes whey concentrate, which is the cheapest form of whey. The concentrate has protein along with some fats and carbs. Whey concentrate also contains the potential health benefits of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and phospholipids, which helps in weight loss. Th...