Bodybuilding + supplementation= liveable fitness.

Often in the craze of building the body people neglect their health. Fitness and nutrition go hand in hand. So, when you are indulged into excruciating exercises, and lifting up heavy weights, do give consideration to your health also. The best bodybuilding supplements, in this context are vital for bodybuilders, weight lifters, and athletes. They are packed with all sorts of nutrients, vitamins, and proteins. Let us probe more into it’s nutritional benefits.



The best bodybuilding supplements have profound effect on the human body. They help in faster muscle growth, strengthening immunity, aiding quicker muscle recovery, and boosting energy. Here are some of the most important bodybuilding supplements that everyone must consume:



Creatine is a molecule that is produced naturally in the human body. It provides energy to the muscles as well as other tissues. Since bodybuilding puts a lot of pressure on muscles, hence it is recommended to take creatine supplementation so as to keep its constituency high. Creatine is important for strengthening muscle cells and exercise performance. It promotes muscle gain, and improves muscle strength. Moreover, creatine also increases the water content in your muscle cells, which leads them to swell slightly and produce signals for muscle growth.


Protein Supplements

Protein is undoubtedly the best bodybuilding supplement. It is vital for gaining muscles. Consuming more protein helps you to grow faster. Being satiating in nature, protein supplements keep you full for a long time and control unnecessary hunger pangs. There are various kinds of protein supplements manufactured, amongst which the most common are whey, casein and soy protein. Consuming these protein supplements causes more muscle gain in people, especially those who exercise.


Weight Gainers

The next important bodybuilding supplement is weight gainer. It is designed so as to add more calories and protein to your diet. Weight gainers are typically used by individuals who struggle to gain muscle, despite consuming large amounts of calories and lifting weights. Weight gainers are rich in calories, carbohydrates, and fibres, which help in muscle building. Research attests that taking weight gainers effectively uplifts your weight.



Beta-alanine, a very important amino acid, is again one of the best bodybuilding supplements. It is specifically known for boosting energy. Beta alanine reduces fatigue and also increases exercise performance. Furthermore, beta-alanine may help to increase muscle mass, especially if you are following an exercise program. Consumers of beta alanine confirmed that it increases the lean body mass and adds to muscle gain. For best results combine it with regular exercise.


Branched-Chain Amino Acids

Branched-chain amino acids aka BCAAs refer to the combination of three individual amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. BCAAs are the most critically important amino acids for muscle growth. In fact BCAAs make up about 14% of the amino acids in your muscles. They help to improve muscle gain, reduce muscle loss and produce greater muscle gain in those people who follow an exercise program.


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To complete the list of the best bodybuilding supplements is HMB, that is, beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate. It is a molecule that is produced when your body processes the amino acid leucine, and is important for reducing the breakdown of muscle proteins.

Although HMB is produced naturally by your body, yet taking it as a supplement shall increase the levels and further benefit your muscles. In fact various studies attest that untrained adults who took 3–6 grams of HMB per day showed improvement in context to the gains in lean body mass.

Supplementation, therefore makes your bodybuilding regime much fruitful, faster, and long- lasting.


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